How do I reset Trade Island?

There are a few ways to reset Trade Island:

1. If you want to keep your progress but start with a new island, you can delete your current island and create a new one. To do this, go to the “Island” tab in the game’s main menu, then tap the trash can icon next to your island’s name. Confirm that you want to delete the island, and then start creating a new one.

2. If you want to reset your progress completely, you can delete your player account. Doing this will erase all of your game data, so make sure you backup any save files or other important data before proceeding. To delete your account, go to the “Settings” tab in the game’s main menu, then scroll down to the “Delete Player Account” option and tap it. Confirm that you want to delete your account, and then restart the game.

3. If you just want to start over on your current island, you can use the “Reset Island” option in the game’s settings. This will delete all of your progress on the island, so make sure you backup any saved data before proceeding. To reset your island, go to the “Island” tab in the game’s main menu, then tap the “Reset Island” button at the bottom of the screen. Confirm that you want to reset your island, and then start from scratch.

4. Finally, if you’re having problems with your island files or other important data before proceeding. To reset your island, go to the “Settings” tab in the game’s main menu, then scroll down to the “Reset Island” option and tap it. Confirm that you want to reset your island, and then start from scratch. This should fix any corrupt data or other problems you’re having with your island.

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